Dog Hit By Car While In Labor, Gives Birth To ‘One Heck Of A Miracle’

Bringing a new life into the world can often seem like a miraculous event, particularly when overwhelming obstacles face the soon-to-be mother.

Take the case of this resilient stray chihuahua, whose compelling journey was recounted by Fuzz Ball Animal Rescue. This small dog was struck by a speeding car, causing a debilitating injury to her left rear leg. Tragically,

she was pregnant at the time, and the impact triggered her labor.

Complications arose because her unborn pup was too large for her to deliver naturally, especially given her injured condition. She went into shock, but luckily, she was promptly taken in by Fuzz Ball Animal Rescue.

The young pup was successfully born through a caesarean section, after which the chihuahua had to have her damaged leg surgically removed. Despite these hurdles, both mother and child have survived and are flourishing.

“Fuzz Ball Animal Rescue took to Facebook to say, “These are true miracles!”

Once a stray, who suffered a hit-and-run, birthed a large pup, survived a C-section, and lost a leg, this tenacious chihuahua has proven herself to be a real fighter.

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