Singer Kelis’ Husband Diagnosed with Stomach Cancer; Given 18 Months to Live

Singer Kelis’ husband, photographer Mike Mora, has revealed that he has been diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer.

The 36-year-old was diagnosed last year and was initially given a prognosis of 12-18 months to live. So far, it’s been 12 months.

Mora, who has been married to Kelis since 2014, said he felt something was wrong after his family ventured out into southeast LA to live on a farm, Essence reported. He assumed working out on the field of the farm under the hot sun for long periods of time was causing him to experience fatigue. However, Mora then began to experience what he described as the “worst” stomach pain ever.

“Loss of appetite. Pain in my back also started to creep in…finally decided to do something about it,” he wrote in a quick scrolling post. “It was a bit late. But just in time.”

“I thought the whole time that I just had an ulcer. With no idea what was about to come my way,” he continued. “Here I was, in a hospital bed, during the middle of the pandemic. All alone.”

Mora was eventually diagnosed with gastric adenocarcinoma and after undergoing a biopsy, it was discovered that the cancer had also spread to his lymph nodes and back.

He added: “I never thought…

this could happen to me. At just 36, with three kiddos, and a wife that loves me. I want to be able to help those that might be experiencing something like this – a life-altering disease full of questions and doubt – maybe, hopefully.”

What Really Is Stomach Cancer?
Most cancers of the stomach (about 90% to 95%) are adenocarcinomas. These cancers develop from the gland cells in the innermost lining of the stomach (the mucosa).

If you are told you have stomach cancer (or gastric cancer), it will almost always be an adenocarcinoma. The information on the following pages that discusses stomach cancer refers to this type of cancer.

There are 2 main types of stomach adenocarcinomas: Intestinal and Diffuse.

The intestinal type tends to have a slightly better prognosis (outlook). The cancer cells are more likely to have certain gene changes that might allow for treatment with targeted drug therapy.

The diffuse type tends to grow spread more quickly. It is less common than the intestinal type, and it tends to be harder to treat.

Other types of cancer that can start in the stomach
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs)
These uncommon tumors start in very early forms of cells in the wall of the stomach called interstitial cells of Cajal. Some GISTs are much more likely than others to grow into other areas or spread to other parts of the body. Although GISTs can start anywhere in the digestive tract, most start in the stomach. For more information, see Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST).


Neuroendocrine tumors (including carcinoids)
Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) start in cells in the stomach (or other parts of the digestive tract) that act like nerve cells in some ways and like hormone-making (endocrine) cells in others. Most NETs tend to grow slowly and do not spread to other organs, but some can grow and spread quickly. NETs are discussed in more detail in Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine (Carcinoid) Tumors.

These cancers start in immune system cells called lymphocytes. Lymphomas usually start in other parts of the body, but some can start in the wall of the stomach. The treatment and outlook for these cancers depend on the type of lymphoma and other factors. For more information, see Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.

Most cancers of the stomach (about 90% to 95%) are adenocarcinomas. These cancers develop from the gland cells in the innermost lining of the stomach (the mucosa).

If you are told you have stomach cancer (or gastric cancer), it will almost always be an adenocarcinoma. The information on the following pages that discusses stomach cancer refers to this type of cancer.

The following day, Mora said he hoped that sharing his story will inspire those facing similar health battles to persevere.

Mora concluded by saying: “You always see people post about how life is too short. How you should reach out to those you love no matter where life has taken you. It is the truth. Don’t take your time here, your time with friends, family, for granted. S**t can be over just like that!”

“I want to be able to help those that might be experiencing something like this — a life-altering disease full of questions and doubt — maybe, hopefully. By showing that it’s possible to make it through,” he wrote.

He later added another post thanking people for all the support he had received: “It has been incredibly overwhelming. Receiving all the love and words of encouragement. I am so grateful, It’s been emotional. But overall I think it’s making me stronger.”

Mora married the “Milkshake” singer in 2014. They welcomed their second child last year and also have a five-year-old son together.

Kelis also has a daughter with ex-husband, rapper Nas.

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