Resilience on two legs: Meet the cat channeling his inner T. Rex vibes!

Meet Able, a two-legged feline who’s proving that life’s challenges won’t hold him back.

This extraordinary 5-year-old tabby calls Bangkok, Thailand, his home, where he faced a life-altering event. While pursuing a bird on an apartment rooftop, he inadvertently made contact with a live electrical wire, his caregiver shared with BuzzFeed News.

The electrical mishap resulted in grievous injuries, costing Able his front legs and tail. “The electrical shock severely damaged his tail and also caused severe burns to his rectum,” his human companion explained. “His front limbs were so badly injured that they had to be surgically removed.”

Post-surgery, the journey to mobility for Able was laborious. Initially, he had to use his forehead for support to move. But time and resilience have seen him adapt remarkably. Today, he ambulates almost upright, mimicking the gait of a T. rex.

“Many people are fascinated to see how Able manages to walk, particularly when he climbs stairs, and are curious about his daily activities,” his caregiver noted.

When not mesmerizing people with his unique walk, Able enjoys the simpler things in life, like treats and spending time with his adoptive feline sibling, Fifi. Though his bird-chasing days are over, he finds solace in watching them from his window perch.

“He’s also fond of bird-watching shows on National Geographic,” said his owner.

Described as an incredibly gentle soul, Able “never shows aggression or bites anyone,” according to his human.

The hope is that Able’s story will serve as an uplifting example for many. “I’d love for people to look at Able and find inspiration in his resilience,” his owner concluded.

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